
Competition, income distribution and the European Social ModelMichael Dauderstädt9-25. p.
Location Competition in EuropeGalgóczi Béla27-38. p.
Wage and social policies: Common approaches for social Security?Wolfgang Scholz39-50. p.
Perspectives of a European policy on minimum wagesThorsten Schulten51-66. p.
Relaunching or retarding the Lisbon Strategy in the new member states?Ágh Attila67-92. p.
Social Policy and CompetitivenessPalánkai Tibor93-102. p.
Tax policy: competition of tax system or harmonisation?Philipp Genschel, Steffen Ganghof103-114. p.
Social Dumping in "New Europe"?Tamás Pál115-128. p.